On Monday, January 13, I got the kids up and off to school. Then went about my normal routine, cleaning, making a grocery list, etc. At approx. 1:30 I left to go run errands. I was going to do my coupon run at CVS, then get groceries. I finished up at CVS and when I got to the car I received a phone call I had been waiting for. I sat in the car spoke with her for about 25min. I realized it was getting close to 3:00 and I wouldn't have time to get groceries before I needed to pick up the kids. So as I finished up my conversation I started driving home. I walked in my house and sat my bags on the kitchen counter. I then noticed the blinds on my back window were messed up. I stared at them for a second because these are the kind of blinds that are between glass, and can't just get messed up.

I then noticed that the glass was broken, and my house was too quiet... my dogs had not met me at the door as usual. I stood there, frozen. I then called for Phoebe and Guapo and they didn't make a peep... nothing. I cautiously walked back outside, not knowing what the heck had just happened. My first thought was "Great, someone killed my little dogs!". I walked around the side of the house (we live on a corner) and looked through the cracks on the gate to see if anything or anyone was in the back yard. Nothing.
Being the dork that I am, and in shock, I didn't know what the heck to do. It looked like my neighbors were all gone. So I called Trevor... no answer. Then one of my neighbors drove around the corner and I walked to her house and gave her the scoop. She told me to call 911 (yes, I had to be told to call the police) and then she said "Let's go get Kurt (another neighbor) because he has a gun".
YES!!! Love my Texas neighbors!
So they both followed me back and Kurt walked inside with me; I wanted to know where my doggies were! Still too afraid to really search my house, I walked cautiously and saw that Phoebe was still on my bed where I had left her. She's 11yrs old, only has one eye, and can't see well out of the other. The poor girl was scared to death! But Guapo was still nowhere to be found. He sometimes hangs out under my bed, but I was too scared to look. I kept calling him... nothing. So I took Phoebe back outside with me while we waited for the police.
It sure seemed like they took their sweet time, but they finally arrived. They walked through the house and asked questions for a good 15-20min, and Guapo was still missing! Finally, we heard a little scratch on the study room door, someone had shut him in there! The poor little guy was scared to death! I can legitimately say they scared the crap out of him, because he pooped in there! He was probably in their face barking at them. I wish he would have bit them.

This first picture doesn't do justice, there was a MOUNTAIN of broken glass on the rug! A rock was found just to the right of the rug, by the treadmill. The police took it, although I don't know why because they said they can't fingerprint it.

This black stool was under my table, and had glass on it! Glass was spread all the way to my front door. I am still finding glass 2 weeks later.

The police have arrested about 10 Morton Ranch High School kids for being truant, or in possession of stolen electronics. There has been about 7 break-ins in our neighborhood, and we are within walking distance from the high school. One guy had a tracking device on his laptop and they tracked it down to the school. The punks were using it at school! The police arrested him on the spot. Unfortunately, Kindle does not have a tracking device. The police have put the serial # for my Kindle on file so if they come across it they will enter the serial # into the FBI database and return it to me.
I'm very angry at the insecurity they have set upon my family. KynnLee was so scared she had to sleep with Jaden for 3 nights. And she didn't want them to take her American Girl Dolls, so she hid them behind the treadmill. It didn't help that they very next day at school they had a lockdown for a "suspicious person on the grounds". KynnLee's teacher told me that she asked if a bad person is going to take her dolls and do bad things? For about a week, the first thing Jaden asked me after school was "did anything bad happen today?". He also was afraid of his stuff being stolen, so he put all the Wii games in his room. :)
On Wednesday of that same week my neighbor across from the side of us had her back window broken, but they only got through one pane of glass. The police have been patrolling the area like crazy. They noticed her back gate was open and went back to check it out (she was out of town). I can't believe high school kids are doing this!!! And since they don't fingerprint or try to catch them, they will just keep on doing what they are doing!
I am very grateful for the angels that watched over my home! It could have been a much worse situation, but even my little doggies are ok. We are feeling very blessed. <3 p="">
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