Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What we won't miss when we move

We really don't want to move, so I thought we should compile a list of things we won't miss when we move.....

1. The alarm at 3am EVERY day
2. Not having a garage
3. The rude truck drivers on the freeway (they must be from Utah)
4. Spending $400+ a month on gas (Trev gets to take the Schwinn to school!)
5. Being stopped by a train to AND from the store
6. Ugly Naked Black Guy up the street
7. U of L
8. Trev's work
9. the humidity (although Independence is probably just as bad being on Lake Eerie)
10. Having to go to Indiana for IHOP
11. The 'hoods' down the street
12. And Phoebe said she won't miss Molly (the Yorkie next door). But we will miss seeing both dogs in the window in "attack mode"- it's quite comical!


~ ThE RiChiNs KrEw ~ said...

OK those are pretty weak things that you WONT miss..... You need to have a better list than that my dear, besides, most of those were because of your location: the train, naked boy, the hood, the dog... Kentucky has county livin' with out the hood ya know... You'll be back! I know it!