Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A girl's best friend

Ten years ago when I was picking out my wedding ring, I made sure to pick one that would look good with some additions. :)

I also made sure to pick a man that understood the importance of DIAMONDS. :)

Well, all that hard work paid off ;) and here's my first addition...

You all should know by now that I'm the world's worst photographer. I have no idea how to use the settings on my camera. I often end up with drabby pics, but the good news is that diamonds ALWAYS look good no matter how bad the photographer is!!! Here is how my little addition was presented to me...

15 princess-cut diamonds!!!

Man, I taught my boys well! Jaden had to give his mom an anniversary present. It was all his idea, and he totally picked it out himself. He knows that girls LOVE flowers, so he got me some calla-lillies that I can plant outside OR inside! He was so excited to give them to me!

I think I have some keepers!!


Trevor Haynes said...

I believe I picked out your diamond not you. Someone is not giving credit where it is due!!!!

Karie said...

Hey now, I didn't say diamond, I said wedding ring. I DID pick out the band!