Saturday, June 25, 2011

Losing more teeth!

Every time Jaden gets a loose tooth I tell him to not wiggle it. Keep those babies in as long as possible!! Not that it matters, they are going to hit that "Jack-o-Lantern teeth" phase no matter what. I would say we are WELL into that phase!

Dad thinks that since he pulled a bunch of teeth in Peru that he's qualified to do the job... (insert eye roll here)

I love KynnLee's expressions in the background, what an animated little girl!

Good job, Jaden!

...and it's out!!

I honestly thought the thing had a week more of wiggling. A loose tooth drives the kid nuts, he even asks us to do the floss and doorknob trick! Good thing he's tough!

- Posted from my iPhone


Dina said...

lol...So how many teeth does this kid have right? :) Love KynnLee's faces