Friday, August 22, 2008

The Kiddie Park

Ok, so my previous blog posts are a little out of order..... sorry, just read them all and you'll get the picture.

A few weeks ago (yes, I'm a slacker) my friend, Rachel, met us at the Kiddie Park. It's Jaden's new favorite place. This is how it all went down.....

Obviously there's more amusing things to look at than the camera!!!!

The train ride that we had to go on twice. (you know how Jaden LOVES trains!)

This is us on the train ride, they really did enjoy it more than this picture displays.....

Jaden had to sit at the very front of the roller-coaster., he loved every second of it. Although he never raised his arms like he did last year at Six Flags.

This is Jaden and his friend Kaden on the boats. Jaden just sat there and rang the bell the WHOLE time.
While big brother was on all the rides, I told KynnLee to make a funny face, this is what she came up with.....

Is that not the cutest funny face you've ever seen? What a princess!


Rachel Holloway said...

Yeah! I wondered when I would get to see all these!!

I love Kynnlee's cute squishy face! She makes me laugh. And Jaden was SO focused on FUN, FUN, FUN.

We will have to go there again sometime! :)

The Flitton's said...

It looks like you have some great places already. Connor saw these pictures and said "that's my buddy Jaden, I want to go there, too." We miss you guys. Hope all is well. Your new place looks great - love the wood floors.