Wednesday, July 1, 2009

All in less than 10min with Mr. Random...

Jaden gets into these "random question asking episodes". Yesterday when he got into it I happened to be on the computer, so I typed some of it up. He seriously goes from one question to the next in seconds. He's so observant and remembers everything, and asks a million questions about it all later. I need to do this more often, it's funny...

How do you load boats in the water? Do you put the trailer in the water, and get in the boat?

How does water get in the rivers?

Do you know what collects the rain water? A NOW. It’s sand at the bottom of the river, but the NOW collects all the rain water. I saw that on the way to Julie’s house. It’s yellow and it collects all the rain water that has tentacles (chemicals). (he meant a canal)

How come there’s a word called “Kick”?

Do you know what happened on Toy Story? Buzz was saying this “I think about the word called Space Ranger”. And Woody says, “I was thinking about a word that I can’t say, because there’s preschool toys around”.

What happens if it rains and it washes the bricks away?

Mom, how come you wanted tulips mom? How come you wanted them in your house? (I have some silk tulips).

Mom, how come there’s a sharp side right here on the counter, but not right here? (there’s a sharp corner on the edge of the counter against the fridge, but the outer side is rounded)

Mom, how come we only have playstation 2 mom? How come we wanted only playstation 2?

Mom, how come your new key has a ‘Mishubishi’ *shiny* thing? (the logo is silver)


Rachel Holloway said...

That Jaden is such a crack up! Seriously so random. :)

Kristy said...

THANK YOU for this post. I have been so stressed at work - and landed on your blog and I am laughing so much that all the stress has washed away in a canal... or a now... or whatever you want to call it..

Reminds me that maybe it's sometimes fun to be a mother...


Melissa Ekman said...

How do you answer these questions? I probably would answer...."just because" or "ask your dad"

Rob and Jennifer said...

haha kids are so funny!