Friday, September 18, 2009

Straw-bababa-ba-berry bedroom!

KynnLee's bedroom is coming along, slowly but surely!

I had my friend look out for a chandelier at yard sales a few months ago. To be honest, if I would have been there to see it, I probably wouldn't have gotten it. So when she brought it over, I was really glad it was only $6!! It was pretty drab. I was looking more for one that had the sconces pointing up so I could put tiny shades with beaded fringe on them. That's why in the picture some of them are pointed up. It didn't look so good with them pointed up.
So it sat in my basement for a long time because I wasn't so sure what to do with it.

Blah, eh? Plus the picture is horrible because it was taken with my cell phone in the dark basement.

Well, a couple weeks ago I decided to throw some spray paint on it.

WOW, what a difference!! Spray paint is AMAZING! So then I thought I could probably do something with it. I got some bright pink beaded fringe, and some longer crystal beaded fringe, and covered the ugly chain with some fabric.

Not too shabby?? I wanted to replace the sconces, but as of yet, I haven't found any that I like better. They're actually not bad, I just wish they were clear instead of white. I've checked Home Depot, Lowe's, Target, and Walmart. Anyone know where else I should check??

I'm having a horrible time finding anything strawberry. I find plenty of cherry, watermelon, apple, yadda yadda yadda. Which makes me want to do strawberries even MORE!! :) So it looks like I'm going to have to MAKE everything.
I came across some wooden letters at Target on the dollar aisle (LOVE that place! that's where the "haircutting fairy" shops! :)). I painted the little thingy green...
and threw some felt and rhinestones on there...


So now I have 6 of these strawberries but I haven't decided how to hang them yet. Maybe somehow with 2 groups of 3.
We have some shelves up in her room that Beeda made years ago... back when Trevor and I first moved into our new house, and we each had our own "spare room" (boy, I can kiss THOSE days goodbye!), and they were made special for my spare room. But then MY spare room became Jaden's room, so they were Jaden's, and now they are KynnKynn's. Anyway, back to the subject... I painted those shelves pink and I might hang the strawberries from the bottom of the shelves.
Wow, I guess I really need pics of the room now so you get the idea...
We just got the chandelier hung last night... what an adventure THAT was!!! The breaker was off to the bedrooms, but apparently the LIGHTS are on a separate breaker (who does that???). Let's just say I'm VERY lucky I didn't get singed hair or a gigantic electric shock!!! I had the bracket unscrewed and not until it was coming down did the big FLASHING SHOCK scare the living bejeebers out of me!!! I mean, my face was right there!! My hand was even black, and I didn't get anything! I was scared to touch anything for the rest of the night.
More to come on the strawberry bedroom!!!!


Shanna said...

CUTE!!! Can't wait for updates as you go!

Melissa Ekman said...

I love the chandelier. So so cute.

Rachel Holloway said...

I love it! Isn't spraypaint the BEST!? Love what you have done!!!

I will keep my eyes peeled for strawberry goods. :)

Jamie and Darla said...

You are so talented

Dina said...

Oh man! That would have scared the crap out of me too! I'm glad you didn't lose any hair though ;) And I seriously LOVE what you did with the chandelier. It's waaay cute!

~ ThE RiChiNs KrEw ~ said...

CUTE!!!! Very creative