Sunday, June 13, 2010

Play Dough FHE

Once in a great while I have a creative itch and come up with something fun. I've had this recipe for Play Dough cookies for quite a while and never tried them.

So a few weeks ago we were in need of a fun Family Home evening. We played Play Dough Pictionary and had Play Dough cookies for a treat.

We had gospel related word strips and picked them out of a hat and had to create them with Play Dough. Here's one of my fan-fabulous play dough creations for Word of Wisdom...

Ha ha, I didn't get any other pics from Pictionary, but we had fun!

Here's what our Play Dough cookies started out as. I'm not gunna lie, I had to sneak a few bites of the colorful stuff, it was the tastiest Play Dough ever!

Yeah, I wasn't the only one sneaking bites...

I pretty much let them go to town and make their own cookies. We ALL had fun making colorful tasty treats!!

The funny thing was that they looked almost the same before the oven...

... as they did after... YUM-O!

I always manage to snap a pic at a "weird face moment". But I promise, they really did like the cookies!