Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Birthday Month

Well, we just finished our 4th and final birthday for the year (Whew!!). The kids got spoiled… but that's ok since they got a pretty weak Christmas.

For Trevor's birthday we had the traditional Jason/Brandon/Trevor conversation that always goes like this…. Jason: " Trevor, how old are you?... Brandon, how old are you?.. HA HAHA HA!!" repeated a couple times. For those of you that don't know, Trevor and his older brother are the same age for 2 weeks, and it's downright hilarious when we have this conversation. Brandon hates it, but Trevor doesn't care; but that's what makes it so funny! Here's a sneak peak of how it went down with Trev…

Of course we can't sit on the couch without a Phoebe-dog snuggling up with us.

Jaden was especially spoiled since he got a party with his friends in Kentucky and one with his Ohio friends and dad. We had his party in Kentucky at the park. He was so excited to see all his friends! It's been so long that Jaden ran right past Connor at the park and didn't recognize him! It was funny! Jaden has been into Spongebob lately, so we threw a Spongebob party. Lucky for me, it's the 10th Anniversary of Spongebob so there were lots of little party favors and nick-nacks. I was so impressed with the cake! I went to the bakery at like 10am and asked if they could have a Spongebob cake ready by 3 and they sure did…

Playing Duck, Duck, Goose. Being rough with the boys. Lots of frosting, just the way he likes it!

The chocolate princess. Total troublemakers. Blowing out the candles!

It wasn't a fancy party, but the kids had fun. They played on the playground, had pizza and cupcakes, and played games. I think Jaden misses his little boy buddies to run around and be rough with.
Our spoiled little boy had his party in Ohio yesterday. He had fun with all his cute little friends playing games. They played Hullaballoo, hot potato, and we had them do a relay game where they have to run with a balloon between their knees, it was pretty funny! A big thanks to Miss Christine (Miss Preschool) for helping me out with games for the kiddos.

Time for cake and presents… boy did we have a surprise in store for Jaden! We've been wanting to get him a Power Wheels, but the outrageous prices of $300-400 made us decide that we would just wait till they had a big sale, or just buy a used one. We went to Walmart to get party stuff and checked them out a bit, again. There was a really cute John Deer tractor with 2 seats, too expensive. Of course we are only going to get one with 2 seats. There was a really cute Mustang that was even more. And a really cute Dodge Viper in a box, no display or price. I thought let's just forget it, we'll get one later. But Trevor insisted that I have someone check the price on that and a couple others. When it rang up for less than $200 there was no stopping Trevor, it was a done deal! Plus it was the last one. I don't know what was up with it, we came home and checked it online and it was over $300. They must have had it specially priced just for us! It worked out so perfect since both grandparents and my sister sent money for his birthday, we really didn't spend much more than we did for KynnLee's birthday.

He had so much fun giving all his friends a ride. It was quite the surprise!! We had him open presents outside because the Viper was in the garage. I'll have to take pics of the inside, it's so cute! It has a GPS (sticker), a working radio that he can plug his "iPod" (mp3) into, and 2 cup holders! Did we hit the jackpot on that or what?
Stay tuned for more pics of the Viper!


Shanna said...

I have so many comments... I don't know where to begin. Ok... LOVE the black frosting above Jaden's eyebrow - love the cupcakes that made a "cake" out of Sponge Bob! And....the little cutie in the car with Jaden - with frosting all over her mouth and Jaden looking like he is sooo cool!
Looks like all the kids had a great time - and KynnLee - frosting face too!

Dina said...

lol...Yeah! Happy Birthday to everyone! The pics are cute! I LOVE the car! Can't wait for more pics!

Rachel Holloway said...

Lots of fun!! What a super deal on the car! I bet he will love it for a LOOOONNG time!

The Flitton's said...

It was so much fun to see you guys. Connor is still talking about cute Jaden. I'm glad he had such a great birthday - and the Viper is awesome. i want one for myself.

Hopkins said...

Hey I wanted to eat the spongebob cake. Your hold back on me.