Sunday, March 15, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Hellewell

I was tagged by Shanna to write some memories of Grandma and Grandpa. I notice I share some favorites with Shanna, I'm sure we all do. Here goes...

Raspberry Jam (who got dibs on all that jam in her basement?!?! I want some!)
picking raspberries
making jam
playing on the clothes line outside
climbing and playing in the cherry tree
the porch swing out back
Grandpa irrigating the lawn so we could play in "the ditch"
eating raspberries with sugar and milk
roasting hot dogs and marshmallows in the basement fire on Christmas Eve
Grandpa reading "Twas The Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve
Skinny little grandpa dressed as Santa
the Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving
Grandma asking me to play christmas songs or church songs on the piano (even though they were very basic)
making quilts
poster paper, glitter, glue, crayons, etc.
daring each other (cousins) to go down in the potato cellar
riding my bike or walking to their house after school
Grandpa's dog bark!
Grandpa on his riding lawnmower with ginormous ear-muff/plug thingies mowing all his rental properties
making cinnamon rolls
the green room, the pink room, the earwig room
the record player
"The Store" in the basement
Love dollars
"Karie darlins"
"you turken-goose!"
the awesome breakfast in the morning while watching The Price is Right
their van that had a sink in it
the "Familes are Forever" bumper sticker on the van
Grandma's fluffy socks with dress flats

Oh my gosh I can go on too! I thought Shanna had pretty much mentioned everything.

I do have a story about the wall-to-wall bed in the basement. I was down there with a bunch of the cousins and we were getting ready to go to bed when a big ugly spider ran from the fireplace, jumped off and ran across the room. We were all too afraid to smash it, so we sprayed it with hairspray until it died. Then we were talking how when you see one spider, there's usually lots more close by that you don't see... then another one did the same thing! So we sprayed it until it died. Then it happened again TWO more times! I couldn't sleep in the basement after that.


Shanna said...

Thank you so much Karie! That made me smile....
We are very lucky to have had both Grandma and Grandpa for our grandparents.