Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Preston's Hope Playground

Would you look at this ADORABLE park?? My friend Lindsey and I had the wicked-cool idea to take the kiddos, the hubbies, and the VIPER to this park!! OH MY GOSH it was TO DIE FOR! I think we were there for like 3 hours, totally entertaining… for us all. We'll have to do it again.
(DISCLAIMER: you'll have to excuse my bad hair day. Looks like I just rolled out of bed... which might have been the case...)

You all know that Jaden wants to be a Vampire, a Wizard, a doptor (doctor), and a Fireman when he grows up, right? Today Jaden said, "Mom, you know who is going to be the BOSS fireman when I grow up??? ME! I'm going to be the boss." He's so random, he said that out of nowhere.

I think he's already the boss most days around here...

So anyway, he loved the Fire Station. When you walk inside the building it starts talking and reinacting (is that a word?) a fire emergency. It kinda freaked him out at first... if you can't tell.

This little boy (in the first pic) was following them around for like the first 20min we were there. Other random kids would follow them for a bit too. It was so funny!
KynnLee and Kylee are cute little friends. The other day Jaden had a play cell phone and gave it to KynnLee and said, "Here KynnLee, it's Kylee, she wants to talk to you". He's so funny.

I had to get pics of the Jeep for my Jeep-lovin sister, who just got back from Moab. So, here you go Laurie!!

Is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen??

And now for the mommy fun...