Thursday, June 4, 2009

Word of the day...

KynnLee's word of the day:

"Good Girl"

Ok, that's 2 words.

I'm not so sure how I feel about having a little girl that likes to talk. At her 15 month appointment a couple weeks ago, the Dr. said that 10-15 words is average for her age. Trevor and I counted over 30 just off the top of our heads, and that was just the words she says all the time.

I think we're in trouble. Can't wait for the teenage years...


Kristy said...

I'm so jealous - Aaron is almost 2 and says about 5 words... it's ok - Your kid conversations are to DIE FOR - does your nose have poles?!


Melissa Ekman said...

That KynnLee is a smart girl and a cute one.