Friday, October 30, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Lots of stuff going on around here (besides mom and KynnLee being sick).

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law (self-proclaimed non-crafty) called me and said that her little boy is totally set on being an Orange Triceratops for Halloween. She found the perfect costume online but they didn't have his size. So she's thinking of making one and wanted me to give her ideas. After finding out that she doesn't have a sewing machine, and she doesn't even know WHERE to purchase fabric (Michaels??), I told her I would take care of it. I've never done a project this big. I have never even used a pattern before. YIKES!! But I'm so glad that I did it because I learned SO much. Including how to sew on a zipper! That was fun trying to figure out. I also couldn't find a pattern for a dinosaur or even a dragon, so I bought a pattern for a bear for the body. I had to make up the tail and the hood. The hood was not easy, I honestly just had to free-hand it and pray that it worked out. I can't believe that I forgot to take pics of it before I mailed it off, so you get cruddy cell-phone pics.
Here's Jaden-boy trying it on for me.

And here's little Wesley in his new costume!! (you think he likes it?)
I wish I would have taken close-up pics because I put a little button in the hand that ROARS when you push it. HE he he...
And while I was in the sewing mode, I made a new basket liner for KynnLee's laundry basket. That was actually a lot trickier than I expected. Good thing you can't look at it closely :).

Another project that Jaden and I started is the gate. We want to gate-off the driveway so the kiddos and the puppy can't escape the back yard.
Well, can I just say that my dad taught me well??? (and was a lot of help over the phone). Jaden and I dug the holes AND cemented in the posts. They're perfectly level and everything! And we did this during test week, so you know Trevor wasn't even around. We did it all by ourselves!

(yes, he dressed himself that day)

Jaden sweeping leaves, it was hysterical!


Rachel Holloway said...

HOLY COW GIRL! look at that MAD TALENT! I am so impressed! WOW, WOW, WOW!

I hope she paid you the big bucks to make that. It's AMAZING! :)

Kurt and Lacey Kinghorn said...

Hey it turned out great! All those phone calls to your mom paid off!! Can you start taking orders for next year??? :)

Rob and Jennifer said...

Wow you are amazing! that costume turned out so cute.

The Flitton's said...

Karie - I am so impressed! Is there anything you can't do? Your pictures are great! Glad you guys are doing good.