Monday, April 11, 2011


Externships started for Trevor this month. He will go out on 5 one-month long externships this last year in school. His schedule is April-Massachusetts, May- Kentucky, July- Utah, August- Washington, and December- New Mexico. These first two are going to be the killers since it's two months in a row, it's too far away to visit on the weekends, and Jaden and I are both in school. Luckily my finals are the first week in May, so that will be a little bit of a relief.

Jaden understood pretty well what was going on. For about a week before he left, he would come in my room in the morning and ask if dad was gone for a month. :) KynnLee on the other hand came in my room the morning after he left and said, "Where's daddy?", despite all the hugs and kisses and goodbyes we had the day before. She wakes up much earlier than Jaden lately (thanks to Trevor being on the VA rotation in March), so when she comes in my room she expects to see both of us. I think she is beginning to understand a little better now.

Here's the kiddos sitting on the kitchen table waiting to watch daddy pull out of the driveway so they could blow him kisses. :)

Thanks to Facetime on our iPods, the kids are holding up pretty well. :)