Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Service project

Jaden's school is requiring the students to participate in 6 hours of service in order to attend the field day at the end of the year. They sent home a paper with a couple of suggestions, one of them is a request for personal items for homeless people. A lot of the items on the list I have a small stash of in the basement that I've picked up at CVS or other stores when they were on sale and I paired them with a coupon to get the item for free, or almost free. So I thought I would involve my little man on one of my weekly runs to CVS. He helped me get the list together, look through the ad, and clip coupons.

Then the next day we did the shopping trip. He was such a good sport about it, most of you know how Jaden feels about shopping. :) He helped me find the items (we can't get the wrong size or type of item or we end up paying too much), pushed the cart, and helped me juggle the ad and coupons. While he was pretty quiet about it all, I really think he understood the importance of his service to the homeless. The poor little guy was tired at the end of the trip and was sitting on the front of the cart while waiting to check out. :)

Since there were only a couple of items on the list on sale this week at CVS, we delved into our stash in the basement. Here's what we ended up giving to the homeless.

4 tubes toothpaste

4 Deodorant

1 Dish soap

What a great little project to involve the kids in! We will need other ideas to make it to our six hours, so any suggestions are appreciated!


Rachel Holloway said...

What a great idea! So impressed!