This kid is absolutely cracking me up!! He's totally playing up the whole Edward thing. He was sitting in quiet time and he stuck his head out and I hear...
"Mom, I want to change my name". He said it a couple times before I was able to answer.
"What do you want to change it to?"
He's keeps playing the part of when Edward stops the car, and keeps asking does Edward do this? Does Edward do that? and "Mom, don't call me Jaden anymore, call me Edward". "You tell my teachers my name is Edward."
Most recently..."Mom, does Edward spit at babies?" (as he's spitting at KynnLee)
To which I reply, "no".
"But spitting makes babies laugh." ... this is quite entertaining, I must say...
I might have to take my little man on a date to see Edward.
I had to get his enthusiasm on video...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The new Edward...
Posted by Karie at 2:38 PM 2 comments
Labels: The new Edward...
Only Edward
This is going to be a quick one, I just had to post it before I forgot...
We were leaving the store and getting in the car. I was buckling KynnLee in and told Jaden to stay right by the car. Then he started getting mad because I wasn't letting him in (I have to reach over his booster to get KynnLee in). He said he didn't want to get hit by a car... and then he said,
"Well, I'll just push it away with my hand so it won't hit me".
I told him that only Edward could do that.
Then he was all interested in this "tough" Edward.
He asked "Is Edward real? Is he around town?" and "Why is he so tough?"
I told him that Edward is a vampire and we talked about it for quite a bit, and I tried to answer his 100 questions. Jaden thinks Edward is pretty dang cool.
Not 3 minutes later, on the way home, Jaden asks what color KynnLee's eyes are (hazel), and what color Jaden's are (blue), and what color mine are (green). Then he asks, "Who has red eyes?"
I told him that only Edward does.
His reply... "And Squidward??"...
I think Jaden found a new Superhero. And that's fine by me! Now it's time to teach him to act like Edward. :o)
Posted by Karie at 12:14 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Christmas pics and other things I've slacked on...
I know, I know, I'm a slacker in the blog department.
First off, I just have to show you the car that we "purchased" and totaled....
Nice eh? If you're going to wreck a car, might as well do a good job of it.
And for my biggest news yet... I can't believe I didn't get this posted earlier... KynnLee got her first FRENCH BRAIDS over Christmas!!!! How many 10 month old babies have you seen with french braids? Sorry, I just have to gloat, I absolutely love that my girl has lots of hair. Perhaps I may like it even more because it is one of the few things my girl gets from her mom... so unfair when they look like dad.
Pictures don't do it justice... it was seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! I'd do it more often if I could catch her sleeping in a good position to do her hair.
My mom's family has a Christmas party at the bowling alley every year. It was fun to be there and see everyone since we never make it to family reunions or anything anymore. There's never a dull moment with the aunts around (my mom has 7 sisters). I wish I would have gotten some pics of my aunts, they are drop dead hilarious (air-headed)I tell you! But Jaden went bowling for the first time....
Of course I couldn't pass up a shot of the feet. Sometimes I think *I* should be the one going to Podiatry school...
Jaden and cousin Kaleb crashin' down the bowling alley....
Oh, and what a surprise!!!! Santa showed up!!! Jaden may have been shy at first, but he was downright ready with his Christmas list... a bike, a pipes truck (pickup truck), a fire truck, and a police car. (I think that was right)
The kiddos in their Christmas Eve jammies, I couldn't get them to give me a good pic.
And here's some of my favorites of Christmas morning....
I just LOVE that face!!
Jaden is not much for pics. (I love when I end up in a picture w/o makeup on... thanks Beeda!)
So Jaden starts asking my dad if he will take him fishing. They both love fishing. Convenient that they live on the river, I think that just fed Jaden's want. They talked about it for a while, I don't think my dad had real intentions of going down there, but Jaden wouldn't let him off the hook. So that's where they are headed... it was so funny listening to their conversation.... "but grandpa, you can break the ice on the river, and put the hook in...."
I wish I would have gotten pics, but it was freezing cold. The river was literally iced over all the way across. This is throwing rocks on another day...(Beeda and Grandpa got new stairs down to the river...)
Another thing I didn't get pics of is when Jaden went to work with Grandpa. That boy loved every second of it (I think Grandpa did too!)!! First off, grandpa took him on a ride on the "snow motorcycle". Then they fixed a lawnmower, and a chainsaw, and lots of other things right up Jaden's alley.
We had a great trip. Then it was time to come back home to reality...
Posted by Karie at 5:23 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Merry Crash-mas
We've had an exciting and fun-filled trip to Utah/Idaho, to say the least. So far, we've totaled a car, made 2 trips to the ER for KynnLee, had Rx phoned in for Jaden... why do kids always have things go wrong when you're away from home and their Pediatrician?? Seriously...
So we arrived to SLC on the 16th, "purchased" a car from Kent (the bro-in-law)and drove it up to Idaho on the 18th. We were on our way to get Mexican food that night, with 7 people in the car, and a Mexican turned left in front of us and we plowed into them. Their momentum dragged us into another pickup truck waiting at the light. Since the light was yellow, the BRILLIANT officer declined to give anybody a citation and said he would let the insurance companies duke it ou. Oh, but it gets better... the third car we ran into happened to be an ex-serious-boyfriend of mine, lovely! :o) His comment was "What a way to run into an ex-girlfriend, eh?" And it still gets a little better... the Mexican didn't have insurance. That's just the way some of them roll... How many of you can say you purchased a car and totaled it in the same day? It was perfect for us... a Trailblazer with a 3rd seat. Lots of room, but not a huge SUV. What a pitty.
So then the days following, my little beauty queen has had a cold and gets really fussy... I knew it must be her first ear infection. Jaden has taught us the signs all too well. So I call the pediatrician, and the insurance. Pediatrician says to take her in, the insurance says the only thing that is covered out-of-town is the ER. So we go to the ER on the snowey-est day of the year, I think they had about 6 inches of snow so far that day, and the little tiny ER in Burley, Idaho had 5 ambulances. We were glad that the Dr. was nice about things and got us what we needed. She was a new baby by the next day. A couple days later, Jaden developes an eye infection. I was very glad that the Pediatrician phoned in a prescription for him, we didn't want to go to the ER for eye drops...
We had a great Christmas. KynnLee was most interested in the TAGS on everything, not the boxes and paper, or toys, but the tags. She loves her ballerina bear that Jaden made for her at Build-a-Bear, and Jaden loves his Mack Truck that KynnLee got for him. They were so stinkin cute on Christmas morning! They absolutely love eachother! I'll post all the cute pics after we get home.
So then the scary thing comes... I was at Micalla's in Utah and the little princess baby starts crying out of nowhere, I pick her up, she's crying and holding her breath as she turns blue. As I'm freaking out, I blow in her face and she finally took a breath and then passed out. It was the freakiest thing! After she woke up and I held her for a bit she acted fine. I mentioned it to Micalla and she said that she had done the same thing the day before when she was watching her. I called the Pediatrician (again) and she said to just watch her and sometimes kids do that. So then KynnLee does it 2 more times within a few hours. I called the Pediatrician (yet again) and they say to take her to the ER. I have to say I was glad that she didn't do this while we were in Burley, I trust the ER at McKay-Dee much better than in Burley. And it was nice that Tanya knew most of the Docs and told me which ones to avoid. So, an EKG and an x-ray later they say she's fine. And she's been fine ever since, hasn't passed out. What a freakish thing!!
So we have 2 days left before we go home, we are finally going to go get that Mexican food tonight. I'll let you know if anything else exciting happens...
Posted by Karie at 12:01 PM 6 comments