Thursday, September 18, 2008


My precious little princess had her first word today.... "Mum mum mum mum" was her first word!!! So perfect since Jaden's first word was "da da da da".

We were getting out of the car from taking Jaden to preschool and she said it and I squealed and kept encouraging her to say it again. Then she started saying it again tonight when I was feeding her dinner. Dad wasn't home, so I had to grab the video camera for evidence. Unfortunately, my video camera is "outdated" and is not digital, so I'll have to try to catch a flick on my camera.

It was so stinkin cute! She even left a message for Beeda and Grandpa Dan showing off her first word. That was all she had though, one message she cut it off at that. I tried to get her to leave dad and Micalla a message but she wouldn't have it. But we got lots of video!!!!


Ashly said...

GO KynnLee, GO!! mom's usually get gypped when their baby's say "dada" first! I can't believe she's old enough to start jabbering...
sure miss you around here- just not the same not seeing you at least weekly :)
glad you're okay post-Ike as well :) love, ash

Tanya said...

Who cares about Micalla?? Why does she always get the phone calls?? What about the rest of the family??

Tanya said...

Please sense the sarcasm in that last comment before people get mad!!