Friday, September 5, 2008

It's official.....

You might look at this and see that, yes Trevor is officially a Student Doctor, wow, cool. But what I see is the past 8 years of our marriage (yes EIGHT! but we are NOT old!) and how it has always involved school.... changing majors, expensive tuition, expensive books, endless nights of studying, attending classes on our lunch hour, Trevor going to class while his son was in the NICU, being on crutches while trying to pack our house, the time and money we wasted on applying to dental school, spending 3 weeks hotel hoppin with a dog and a sick child when we moved to Louisville, not being able to eat a meal together for weeks at a time (not even Sunday), taking 18 credits and working full time, working 3 jobs, the outrageously expensive Master's program at UofL,..... and here we are.
It all comes down to this.

We're finally here. Podiatry School.

For most people it wasn't too bad getting here, but for us it was blood..... sweat..... and tears.

I find it ironic that I've always had a foot fettish. I have a toe ring that I wear 24-7 since I was a Jr. in High School. Ok, I used to take it off for Ballet, but that's it! I've always said I have good feet, I like to pamper my feet, friends in high school used to say I had a foot fettish, a guy I used to work with used to call me "The Foot Momma" because I had a picture of Jaden's feet at my desk. Jaden's feet are also on my debit card. I have pictures of random things where I would stick my foot in the picture just because.

I do have good feet, and my kids have PERFECT feet. So Trevor can't help us out in that perspective. HIS feet, however, could use some help!......

I do not, however, have good teeth. But just because he's not going to be a dentist doesn't mean that I won't get my teeth fixed.

So it's all good.

Only 4 more years. The 3yr residency will be nothing compared to what we've been through. Besides, the tables will FINALLY turn... he will receive a paycheck in residency instead of paying thousands of dollars to be there..... only 4 more years.


Rachel Holloway said...

It really IS so exciting! Congrats on getting to this point. There is actually a light at the end of the tunnel!! :)

And foot fetish? I never knew... :)

C'est Moi said...

YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!

All this time, I thought Trevor was still doing the dental school route..

Feet, eh?

Pictures with your foot in them?


You are so damn funny.

Uh, I mean darn funny.
