Friday, September 5, 2008

Go Indians!

We went to a Cleveland Indians game last week, Jaden loved every minute of it! Even though it was delayed an hour because of rain, he stayed strong till the very end (almost midnight!). He had to bring his mitt and wear his baseball shirt and also wanted to bring his big Louisville Slugger. We went with a bunch of other Podiatry students and Jaden had them all laughing when he was getting trying to get the guy to throw him a ball.....

You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that I had to leave early for a grumpy girl. Man, when she's done, she is DONE! It was after I left that Jaden had everyone rolling.


Rachel Holloway said...

OH, CUTE CUTE!! That looks like so much fun! I really wish we had gone now. Jaden sure is a funny kid!

Are he and Jenna going to be in the same class?? I've been wondering!