Monday, February 2, 2009

Rainbows and Girlie decor

Jaden loves Pacman. This morning he was holding the disk asking if we could play Pacman.

Then I hear him ask, "Did Heavenly Father make this CD?"

How do I answer that? I'm thinking he is remembering that Heavenly Father made everything. Well, it's a video game, so I decide to reply 'no'. Then he says...

"Then why are there rainbows on the back of it?"

What a sweet little man.

And now for the girlie decor. My awesome friend gave me this adorable sign for KynnLee's room. It was over here on these shelves in the empty spot and I've been meaning to find a better place for it....

I've had all KynnLee's bows hanging on a couple of long ribbons from her closet door. They've been needing a new home as well, but I kind of liked them there because they're easily accessable and I can see all of them at once. So I had a thought and I need your opinion...

Don't be afraid to tell me if it's kinda gawdy (or whatever that word is). I got the crown on the dollar aisle at Target a long time ago, I couldn't pass it up. Comments, comments, comments, PLEASE!

And one last thing. My girlie girl thinks that naps are overrated. She has too much business to attend to, and too much mischief to be had. Since she was only a few weeks old, she's been in love with her swing, and it's been my saving grace. Well, she is outgrowing the swing, and I can't find anymore batteries for it on the dollar aisle at Target (love that, if you can't tell!). She napped ok at my mom's in the crib, in the basement, in a dark room. So I thought what a perfect excuse to make curtains!

I have very poor sewing skills, I mean, I don't even know how to use a pattern. I have never even made anything from a pattern.

She has 2 windows in her room. After several calls to my mom, many of which included pretty dumb questions, this is what I came up with...

It's not the best fabric, but I couldn't complain for less than $2 a yard! I had to get 9 yards, well so I had guessed, I have some leftover. And it DOES make the room darker. I'm still working on the valance, found some really cute fabric! Maybe I'll finally get to that tonight. It's still a work in progress! I can't wait for the final masterpiece to be put in place. ;o)