Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Friday, and other Jaden events

Last week we went to this Flower Factory here in Parma. Jaden came up to me and said something about getting this thing to put outside like Beeda. I had no idea what he was talking about, and didn't pay much attention to him.

We walked by it again and he almost started freaking out. It was a display of different rod-iron suns.

He said he wanted to get it and put it on our house so we could be like Beeda. My mom has a rod-iron sun on her house. I never even knew Jaden paid any attention to it. I hardly paid any attention to it. He was so excited about it! It would have broken his heart if we didn't get one, so we let him pick one out.

He sat in the car holding it, running his little hands around the rays. Then he says, "Let's name it!!". After a bit of contemplating... "Let's name it Friday!!!".

Have no idea where Friday came from, but at least he chose the best day of the week!!

This first picture is of him taking a picture of Friday with his little digital camera. Then his proud little self showing the world that we have a "Friday". It's like his link to Beeda and Grandpa. Sometimes when we're backing out of the driveway he'll say "Bye Friday!". He's so proud and excited about his little find.

So, the other day, my little man was outside playing and came inside and said, "Mom, I picked a flower for you!!". Isn't that something every mom wants to get from her little boy? I told him that every girl LOVES to get flowers and made a big deal of it. We had to get this tiny vase and put water in it. What a sweet little man!
We've got these little purple flowers growing all around our yard... no worries, he didn't pick a neighbor's flowers!!

I've been teaching him about being a gentleman, and he's been VERY interested ever since the whole Edward thing. He's always said he wanted to be a fireman when he grew up, and now it's "I want to be a vampire when I grow up, and then a fireman, and then a dopter" (doctor). That's fine by me, this little man will be the non-fictional Edward when he grows up!! Watch out ladies!!

And last but not least... I got into bed the other night and somebody was in my spot... well, 2 somebodies were in my spot...
It was hard to take the picture, I couldn't see a darn thing until the camera flashed. But how funny is that?? I guess daddy was hogging the pillow, so he found his own. Daddy is usually famous for hogging the blankets... Anyway, the two snuggle-bugs of the house were snuggling. How cute is that?


Dina said...

AWwww...that is a way cute picture! I love hearing Jaden stories! especially the edward ones! Keep up the good work, Karie!

Julie N. said...

I love the Friday story. That is so funny. Where do kids come up with this stuff? And I agree with Dina cute pics!

Lisa said...

Hey Karie! It was good to hear from you. I'm so glad we can keep in touch with stuff like this. I miss my friends from home. I have lots of good friends, it's just same. I was thinking about you a little while ago, a random memory popped in my head. Remember when we floated down the river? Good times....

Rachel Holloway said...

Totally funny...that Jaden cracks me up!

And how awesome you are teaching him to be a gentleman now. Watch out ladies!