Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You just need a day like this once in a while

Don't you just love the days when you feel like you're super productive??

Today before 11am I had worked out, took Jaden to a Dr. appointment, got groceries and had them all put away (there were a LOT of groceries).

So we took some time to chill and eat lunch, and Jaden did some Hooked on Handwriting before preschool. There's like 100 stop lights on the way to preschool, and they must have known I was on a roll today because they just let me keep rolling!! I swear I had a green light on almost all of them!! It seriously cut off like 5 minutes... even 30 seconds is a wonderful thing when you're in the car with KynnLee...

Isn't it weird how all the small things can just make your day??

And it's sunny and 55 degrees, total opposite of yesterday's snowing and 25.

Then I got to do a little shopping with a friend for a baby shower tomorrow. It's nice to go shopping when our older kids are at preschool.

To top the day off, I come home and there's a package on my front step from the in-laws. It's full of ALL KINDS of Easter goodies!! They always send the best packages.

I think I'll sneak a nap in before I make the preschool run again.... =)


Rachel Holloway said...

I am so glad you had a great day! Those are the best!!!

Oh, and yes--let's totally go thrift store shopping sometime soon. I go every few days. Gotta browse the goods! :) Let me know when!

Dina said...

Wow! What a great day! I too am enjoying to NICE weather! I will see you tonight at the shower then! Oh and my inlaws are great about sending good packages too!

Alyssa said...

Hey Karie. I came across your blog from Lisa's. Which is so funny becasue I was home this weekend watching old Dance tapes that I am putting on DVD's and saw us dancing together when we were like 4. Your family is so cute.
Send me your email and I can invite you to my blog.

Alyssa Prenoveau (Van Tassell)